API Reference

The Travel Appeal API is organized around REST. Our API has predictable, resource-oriented URLs, and uses HTTP response codes to indicate API errors. We use built-in HTTP features, like HTTP authentication and HTTP methods, which are understood by off-the-shelf HTTP clients. JSON is returned by all API responses, so you can convert responses to appropriate language-specific objects.

The API endpoint is https://apibeta.travelappeal.com/api/ for single property access and https://apibeta.travelappeal.com/groups-api/ for groups access. It will be referred to as TABASEURL. Travel Appeal APIs are restricted for Partners usage. In order to access them, you need to have a special secret Access Token which can only be released and licensed by Travel Appeal, here in after referred to as APIKEY.

If you or your company would like to access Travel Appeal API set, please fill in the form at http://travelappeal.com/api. This will get the partnership process started and after certification you will be sent a private access token. At the time of delivery of APIKEY, only the features required by the partner will be enabled, according with the purchased license. It is up to the Partner to request the activation of additional features.

All API requests must be made over HTTPS. Calls made over plain HTTP will be redirected to HTTPS protocol. API requests without authentication will fail.

API Content List


This API belong to property management, search and discovery. A property is the set of information regarding any restaurant, hotel venue or cultural property anywhere in the world.

curl '<TABASEURL>/propertySearch' \
-H 'Authorization: Token <APIKEY>' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d @- << BODY
  "channel_name": "google",
  "channel_id": "..."

The search response is the following:

    "properties": [
            "name": "My restaurant",
            "address": "My address",
            "type": "venue",
            "category": "restaurant",
            "stars": null,
            "rooms": null,
            "latitude": 33.0000,
            "longitude": 35.0000,
            "channels": {
                "tripadvisor": [

This API allows to search properties inside the Travel Appeal database starting from a channel identifier and retrieve in response all the properties found that match the input channel identifier.

A channel identifier can match with multiple properties, for example with Google channel you can use the Place ID as channel identifier and it is possible that multiple properties have that identifier.

In the case that there are no property found, we recommend you to use the discovery call.

The output contains information such as: id, name, address, type, category, stars, rooms, latitude, longitude and channels. Every field can be nullable except of name, type and category.


Channel name and identifier

Param Type Required Description
channel_name string yes Name of the channel (e.g. tripadvisor)
channel_id string yes Channel identifier.


curl '<TABASEURL>/propertyDiscover' \
-H 'Authorization: Token <APIKEY>' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d @- << BODY
  "name": "Restaurant",
  "location": {
    "full_address": "108 W 32nd St, New York, NY 10001, United States",
    "latitude": 43.7699,
    "longitude": 11.2556
  "channels": {
    "tripadvisor": [

The discover response is the following:

  "name": "Restaurant",
  "type": "venue",
  "category": "restaurant",
  "location": {
    "full_address": "108 W 32nd St, New York, NY 10001, United States",
    "latitude": 43.7699,
    "longitude": 11.2556
  "channels": {
    "tripadvisor": [
  "id": 1

This API allows to discover the information regarding a property from an url (Tripadvisor or Booking.com) or a google place id (more info here). Inside the discover response the id field will contain the property id if the property already exists in the Travel Appeal database, otherwise the id field will be empty. The returned json could be used as the input to create a new property using property API call. You can also specify an additional parameter called excludeChannels that allow the procedure to skip a single channel.

The discovery process can take a long time to complete, in order to avoid requests wait for a long time, we implemented a long polling system, that is described step by step.

1. Start discover process

The first step is to make a POST API request to the discover endpoint with the request body showed on the right and documented below. This API call will return a response with a 202 Accepted HTTP code and a Location header in which is contained the endpoint of the discover request status.

POST <TABASEURL>/propertyDiscover


Tripadvisor/Booking url

Param Type Required Description
channels object yes Array of channels urls. Tripadvisor or Booking url is mandatory. See configurations for more details.

Google place id

Param Type Required Description
placeId string yes Google place id. Must be a valid google place id.

Exclude channels

Param Type Required Description
excludeChannels array no Array of channels. See the networks section.

2. Check discover status

To check the discover request status, make an API request at the endpoint given by the step 1, as shown:

GET <TABASEURL>/propertyDiscoverQueue?id=<REQUESTID>

If the discover process is not finished, this API returns a JSON with a status parameter with one of the following values:

When the discover process is finished this API call returns a 303 - See Other HTTP code and a Location header in which is contained the discover response.

3. Get discover response

Finally the discover response, as shown in the right panel, is available at the endpoint given by the step 2, e.g.

GET <TABASEURL>/propertyDiscover?id=<REQUESTID>

Note: the discover response will be available for 1 day after its completion, it will be deleted and a 404 Not Found HTTP code will be returned.


curl '<TABASEURL>/property' \
-H 'Authorization: Token <APIKEY>' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d @- << BODY
  "name": "Restaurant",
  "type": "venue",
  "category": "restaurant",
  "location": {
    "full_address": "108 W 32nd St, New York, NY 10001, United States",
    "latitude": 43.7699,
    "longitude": 11.2556
  "channels": {
    "tripadvisor": [
    "facebook": [

If everything is fine the above command returns the following output:

    "id": 1234567890,
    "verified": false,

This API allows to add or modify a property. Once added, a property maintains the “unverified” status until it is checked and confirmed by Travel Appeal. If the optional parameter autoDiscoverPlaceId is specified, the API will automatically trigger discovery process in order to retrieve the additional missing channels.

HTTPS Request



Param Type Required Description
name string yes Property name.
type string yes Type of the property. See configurations for more details.
category string yes Category of the property. See configurations for more details.
channels object yes Array of channels urls. At least one must be valorized. See configurations for more details.
location object yes Property address information. The full address (full_address) is mandatory if latitude and longitude are not specified.
autoDiscoverPlaceId string no Google place id. Must be a valid google place id.

Modify channels urls

curl '<TABASEURL>/property' \
-H 'Authorization: Token <APIKEY>' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d @- << BODY
  "id": 1234567890,
  "channels": {
    "tripadvisor": [
    "facebook": [

If everything is fine the above command returns the following output:

    "id": 1234567890,
    "verified": false,

This API allows to modify the channels urls of a property or a competitor. The urls can be modified until the property, or the competitor, maintains the “unverified” status - as it is checked and confirmed by Travel Appeal. If the property is verified, only the partner who added it, can modify its channels.

HTTPS Request

PUT <TABASEURL>/property


Param Type Required Description
id int/string yes If referred to a property the id must be int; otherwise it must be string.
channels object yes Array of channels urls. At least one must be valorized. See configurations for more details.

Activate / Deactivate

-H 'Authorization: Token <APIKEY>' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d @- << BODY
  "id": 1,
  "enabled": true

If everything is fine the above command returns:

  "enabled": true

This API allows to enable or disable a license for a single property.

Note: Property activation may take some time, it is possible that the first API requests after the activation shows the property not enabled error.

HTTPS Request

POST <TABASEURL>/activation


Param Type Required Description
id int yes Property id.
enabled bool yes Flag to enable or disable the property license.

Add a Competitor

curl '<TABASEURL>/competitor' \
-H 'Authorization: Token <APIKEY>' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d @- << BODY
  "id": 1,
  "competitor_id": 2

If everything is fine the above command returns:

    "competitor_id": "c:1:2"

This API allows to add a competitor to a property. The property must be connected to an active license and you must not have reached the maximum competitor number allowed by your level of agreement with Travel Appeal.

Note: In order to view competitors data, you must use the value competitor_id of this response (e.g. c:1:2) in all the data-related API requests inside the monitor_ids field.

HTTPS Request

POST <TABASEURL>/competitor`


Param Type Required Description
id int yes Property id.
competitor_id int yes Property competitor id.

Remove a Competitor

curl -X DELETE '<TABASEURL>/competitor' \
-H 'Authorization: Token <APIKEY>' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d @- << BODY
  "id": 1,
  "competitor_id": "c:1:2"

If everything is fine the above command returns:


This API allows to remove a competitor from a property. The property must be connected to an active license. You can remove a competitor only after the time limit specified in your license has expired.

HTTPS Request



Param Type Required Description
id int yes Property id.
competitor_id int yes Property competitor id.

Health Check

curl '<TABASEURL>/propertyCheck' \
-H 'Authorization: Token <APIKEY>' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d @- << BODY
  "id": 1

If everything is fine the above command return the following output:

  "property": {
    "ready": true,
    "channels": {
      "tripadvisor": "ready",
      "booking": "ready"
  "competitors": {
    "c:1:2": {
      "ready": true,
      "channels": {
        "tripadvisor": "pending",
        "booking": "pending"

This API allows to check the status of a property and its competitor(s). The property must be connected to an active license. If the ready field is set as true then the data is available for consulting. In the channels object is specified the status for each inserted channel. The status for each channel can have three different values:

HTTPS Request

POST <TABASEURL>/propertyCheck


Param Type Required Description
id int yes Property id.


curl '<TABASEURL>/propertyInfo' \
-H 'Authorization: Token <APIKEY>' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d @- << BODY
  "id": 1

If everything is fine the above command return the following output:

    "property": {
        "name": "My restaurant",
        "address": "My city, 50, My country",
        "type": "venue",
        "category": "restaurant",
        "stars": null,
        "rooms": null,
        "latitude": 33.0000,
        "longitude": 35.0000,
        "channels": {
            "tripadvisor": [
        "channels_info": {
            "tripadvisor": [
        "location": {
            "l0": "Location 0",
            "l1": "Location 1",
            "l2": "Location 2",
            "l3": "Location 3",
            "l4": "Location 4",
            "l5": "Location 5",
            "town": "Town",
            "street": "Street",
            "street_number": "Street number",
            "street_name": "Street name",
            "zip": "Zip code"
    "competitors": {
        "c:1:1": {
            "name": "My competitor 1",
            "address": "My city 2, My country2",
            "type": "venue",
            "category": "restaurant",
            "stars": null,
            "rooms": null,
            "latitude": 33.5000,
            "longitude": 35.5000,
            "location": {
                "l0": "Location 0",
                "l1": "Location 1",
                "l2": "Location 2",
                "l3": "Location 3",
                "l4": "Location 4",
                "l5": "Location 5",
                "town": "Town",
                "street": "Street",
                "street_number": "Street number",
                "street_name": "Street name",
                "zip": "Zip code"
        "c:1:2": {
            "name": "My competitor 2",
            "address": "My city 3, 54567 ,My country2",
            "type": "venue",
            "category": "restaurant",
            "stars": null,
            "rooms": null,
            "latitude": null,
            "longitude": null,            
            "location": {
                "l0": "Location 0",
                "l1": "Location 1",
                "l2": "Location 2",
                "l3": "Location 3",
                "l4": "Location 4",
                "l5": "Location 5",
                "town": "Town",
                "street": "Street",
                "street_number": "Street number",
                "street_name": "Street name",
                "zip": "Zip code"
         "c:1:3": {
             "name": "My competitor 3",
             "address": null,
             "type": "venue",
             "category": "restaurant",
             "stars": null,
             "rooms": null,
             "latitude": null,
             "longitude": null,             
             "location": {
                 "l0": "Location 0",
                 "l1": "Location 1",
                 "l2": "Location 2",
                 "l3": "Location 3",
                 "l4": "Location 4",
                 "l5": "Location 5",
                 "town": "Town",
                 "street": "Street",
                 "street_number": "Street number",
                 "street_name": "Street name",
                 "zip": "Zip code"

This API allows to get the information of a property and its competitor(s). The property must be connected to an active license. The output contains information such as: name, address, type, category, stars, rooms, latitude, longitude and, for the property, the channels array and channels_info array. Every field can be nullable except of name, type and category.

Channels Info

If valorized the channels_info array will contain information about the relative channel. The only information available is the crawling unix timestamp.

HTTPS Request

POST <TABASEURL>/propertyInfo


Param Type Required Description
id int yes Property id.


This API call belongs to property license handling.


curl '<TABASEURL>/licences' \
-H 'Authorization: Token <APIKEY>' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

If everything is fine the above command returns:

    "licences": [
            "id": 1234567890,
            "billable": true,
            "started_at": 1508928768

This API returns all the enabled licences for a specific partner. For each licence the API returns wether the property license is already billable, the starting date of the license and the property associated to that license.

HTTPS Request

GET <TABASEURL>/licences

Contents Statistics

This API retrieves statistic data about the contents of a property. This API allows to compute different kind of statistics, based on the filters combinations detailed below.

The Contents Statistics API endpoint is the following:

POST <TABASEURL>/contentsData


curl '<TABASEURL>/contentsData' \
-H 'Authorization: Token <APIKEY>' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d @- << BODY
    "filters": {
        "branches": ["reviews"],
        "from": 1493157600,
        "to": 1493244000,
        "monitor_ids": [1],
        "compute": ["count", "sentiment"],
        "orderBy": "date"

If everything is fine the above command returns:

  "count": 41,
  "sentiment": 92.3,
  "_timestamps": [ ... ],
  "_aggregation": { ... }

Input Parameters

This callname accepts the following input parameters.

Param Type Required Description
branches array no All contents will be retrieved if not specified. Possible values are: reviews for contents from review networks; tagged_posts for user contents from social networks; posts for proprietary contents from social networks.
orderBy string yes Specify in which order you want to retrieve contentsID, choose one of the following: date, influence, sentiment.
monitor_ids array yes An array of property or competitors IDs.
networks array no An array of networks, if it is an empty array then all networks will be considered.
from int yes "From" date timestamp in seconds, the oldest date.
to int yes "To" date timestamp in seconds, the newest date.
keywords array no An array of string terms. If specified it will act as filter for the contents based on the chosen keyword_strategy.
keyword_strategy string no The term search strategy. It can be AND or OR. If no strategy is specified the default value will be AND. With the AND strategy only the contents that contain all the searched terms will be retrieved. With the OR strategy the contents with at least one of the specified keywords will be retrieved.
compute array no You can put in this field multiple compute keys. The supported compute keys are documented in compute section.
groupBy string no These parameter is needed to optimize the computation, for more details see optimization section.
common parameters ... ... See this section for details.

Output Parameters

This callname always returns the following output parameters.

Param Type Description
_timestamp array Contains all the timestamps the computation has been made with. In the case the output contains historical series, then this array indicates the timestamps of the series.
_aggregation array See section Aggregations.

Compute parameters

curl '<TABASEURL>/contentsData' \
-H 'Authorization: Token <APIKEY>' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d @- << BODY
    "filters": {
        <common params*>
        "from": 1493157600,
        "to": 1493244000,
        "monitor_ids": [1],
        "compute": ["contentPositivitySeries", "contentsID", "count", "countReplies", "dishes", "sentiment", "sentimentSerie", "unanswerCounter"]

If everything is fine the above command returns:

  "answerPercentage": 45.2,
  "contentPositivitySeries": {
    "neg" : [ 0, 9, ... ],
    "nil" : [ 4, 3, ... ],
    "pos" : [ 1, 2, ... ]
  "contentsID": [ ... ],
  "count": 10,
  "countReplies": 10,
  "countOpinions": {
    "pos": 10,
    "neg": 7
  "dishes": {
    "appetizer" : 1,
    "fois gras" : 4,
  "sentiment": 80.12,
  "sentimentSerie": [ 79.83, 80.12, ... ],
  "trends": {
    "bar" : {
      "p": 10,
      "n": 3,
      "cp": 7,
      "cn": 1
  "unanswerCounter": 2,
  "_timestamps": [ ... ],
  "_aggregations": { ... }

An example of the body is on the right, the compute parameter is used to specify which output data you need. Below there is the list of all the possible values that can be used into the compute array. There is no limitation on the number of compute values that can be requested with a single API call, please consider that the more they are the longer it takes to response.

Compute values

Compute Return Type Description
answerPercentage number Contains the response rate, computed excluding the reviews that are not respondable.
count number Total number of contents.
countReplies number Total number of contents with replies.
countOpinions object Contains the following fields: pos number of positive opinions and neg number of negative opinions.
contentsID array Contains all the contents ids that can be used in the Contents List callname.
contentPositivitySeries object Contains the following time series: pos contents with positive sentiment, neg contents with negative sentiment, nil contents without sentiment.
dishes object Number of mentions for each dish. Dishes are indicated as keys, mentions as values.
sentiment number Global sentiment.
sentimentSerie array Contains the sentiment time serie.
trends object Contains an object with trends data for each argument. Arguments are indicated as keys, trend data is an object with the following keys: p (or n) number of positive (or negative) mentions, cp (or cn) number of contents in which the argument is positively (or negatively) mentioned.
unanswerCounter number Number of unanswered contents.


curl '<TABASEURL>/contentsData' \
-H 'Authorization: Token <APIKEY>' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d @- << BODY
    "filters": {
        <common params*>
        "from": 1493157600,
        "to": 1493244000,
        "monitor_ids": [1],
        "compute": ["aggregation.sentimentSerie"],
        "aggregationPeriod": "week"

If everything is fine the above command returns:

  "aggregation.answerPercentage": [ 40.2, 31, 67.22 ],
  "aggregation.contentPositivity": {
    "neg" : [ 1, 0, 1 ],
    "nil" : [ 0, 0, 3 ],
    "pos" : [ 1, 1, 0 ]
  "aggregation.count": [ 2, 1, 4 ],
  "aggregation.countReplies": [ 0, 1, 2 ],
  "aggregation.countOpinions": {
    "pos": [ 3, 5, 1 ],
    "neg": [ 1, 0, 2 ]
  "aggregation.sentimentSerie": [ 95.68, 83.75, 87.24 ],
  "_timestamps": [ 1482793200, 1482879600, 1482966000, ... ],
  "_aggregation": {
    "period": "week",
    "names": [ "2016-W52", "2017-W01", "2017-W02" ],
    "timestamps": [ 1482706800, 1483311600, 1483916400 ]

Aggregations are special kinds of compute, in which the output is aggregated into days, weeks, months or quarters according to the input parameter aggregationPeriod. The output will be aggregated into the selected period as shown in the example.

Aggregation period

The aggregation period can be specified into the aggregationPeriod input field and can accept the following values:

Value Description
day This is the default value, output will be aggregated by days.
week The output will be aggregated by weeks, according to ISO-8601 standard (e.g. 2017-W02).
month The output will be aggregated by months.
quarter The output will be aggregated by quarters (e.g. 2017-Q1).

Aggregation parameters

Aggregations can be specified inside compute input field, as they are special kinds of compute.

Compute Return Type Description
aggregation.answerPercentage array Contains the response rate time serie, computed excluding the reviews that are not respondable.
aggregation.contentPositivity object Contains the following time series: pos contents with positive sentiment, neg contents with negative sentiment, nil contents without sentiment.
aggregation.count array Contains the contents counter time serie.
aggregation.countOpinions object Contains the following time series: pos containing positive opinions and neg containing negative opinions.
aggregation.countReplies array Contains the contents with replies counter time serie.
aggregation.sentimentSerie array Contains the sentiment time serie.

Note: each time serie in this section is computed in according to the aggregation period, this means it contains the same number of elements of the output fields names, timestamps inside the _aggregation object.

Output parameters

In the output parameters there is the _aggregation object that contains information about the aggregation that has been done. It contains the following:

Key Type Description
period string This is the aggregation period, can be day, week, month or quarter.
names array Contains all the period identifiers (e.g. 2017-W01 for weeks).
timestamps array Contains all the timestamps corresponding to the period start.

Note: The first period start timestamp can be lower than the requested timestamp range as specified into the from and to input parameters.


curl '<TABASEURL>/contentsData' \
-H 'Authorization: Token <APIKEY>' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d @- << BODY
    "filters": {
        <common params*>
        "branches": ["reviews"],
        "networks": ["booking", "tripadvisor"],
        "clusters": [ 102, 104 ],
        "from": 1493157600,
        "to": 1493244000,
        "monitor_ids": [1, 107],
        "compute": ["count", "sentiment"],
        "groupBy": GROUPBY-VALUE

If everything is fine the above command returns:

  "groups": {
    "GROUPBY-KEY-1": {
      "count": 41,
      "sentiment": 92.3,
    "GROUPBY-KEY-2": {
      "count": 41,
      "sentiment": 92.3,
  "_timestamps": [ ... ]

To optimize and speed up the Contents Statistics retrieval in case you need to request data for multiple properties/competitors, you can put all their ids into the monitorIDs input field (this feature is not available for single property management API). By default this callname returns the overall statistics.

The example on the right contains the following 3 placeholders:

Below there are the different use cases with examples about these placeholders.

Multiple Property/Competitors

If you add the groupBy parameter to the Contents Statistics callname with value monitor, then it will return all the statistics for each input property/competitor as shown on the right. The groups object contains the response for each property/competitor indexed by their keys.

Placeholder Value Description
GROUPBY-VALUE monitor Requests to group results by property/competitor.
GROUPBY-KEY-1 1 Contains the results about property with id 1.
GROUPBY-KEY-2 107 Contains the results about property with id 107.

Group analysis by user country

If you add the groupBy parameter to the Contents Statistics callname with value country, then it will return all the statistics grouped by user country as shown on the right. The groups object contains the response for each country.

Placeholder Value Description
GROUPBY-VALUE country Requests to group results by network.
GROUPBY-KEY-1 us Contains the results about US users.
GROUPBY-KEY-2 it Contains the results about Italian users.

Note: It is possible that this API callname returns n/a keys, which means that the information is not available from the source. For a complete list of available countries please refer to ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 standard.

Group analysis by language

If you add the groupBy parameter to the Contents Statistics callname with value language, then it will return all the statistics grouped by user language as shown on the right. The groups object contains the response for each language.

Placeholder Value Description
GROUPBY-VALUE language Requests to group results by network.
GROUPBY-KEY-1 en Contains the results about English users.
GROUPBY-KEY-2 it Contains the results about Italian users.

Note: It is possible that this API callname returns n/a keys, which means that the information is not available from the source. For a complete list of available user languages please refer to ISO 639-1 standard.

Group analysis by network

If you add the groupBy parameter to the Contents Statistics callname with value network, then it will return all the statistics grouped by network as shown on the right. The groups object contains the response for each network.

Placeholder Value Description
GROUPBY-VALUE network Requests to group results by network.
GROUPBY-KEY-1 booking Contains the results about network booking.
GROUPBY-KEY-2 tripadvisor Contains the results about network tripadvisor.

Group analysis by sentiment clusters

If you add the groupBy parameter to the Contents Statistics callname with value cluster, then it will return all the statistics grouped by sentiment cluster as shown on the right. The groups object contains the response for each sentiment cluster.

Placeholder Value Description
GROUPBY-VALUE cluster Requests to group results by network.
GROUPBY-KEY-1 102 Contains the results about sentiment cluster 102 (Rooms).
GROUPBY-KEY-2 104 Contains the results about sentiment cluster 104 (Services).

Group analysis by user types (e.g. Family, Business, ...)

If you add the groupBy parameter to the Contents Statistics callname with value userTypes, then it will return all the statistics grouped by user type as shown on the right. The groups object contains the response for each network.

Placeholder Value Description
GROUPBY-VALUE userTypes Requests to group results by network.
GROUPBY-KEY-1 f Contains the results about user type f (family).
GROUPBY-KEY-2 b Contains the results about user type b (business).

Note: It is possible that this API callname returns n/a keys, which means that the information is not available from the source. For a complete list of available user types please refer to configurations.


Guest Ratings

curl '<TABASEURL>/guestRatings' \
-H 'Authorization: Token <APIKEY>' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d @- << BODY
    "filters": {
        "from": 1493157600,
        "to": 1493244000,
        "monitor_ids": [1],
        "networks": ["<network>"]

If everything is fine the above command returns a list of ratings with their associated score indexed by the _timestamps value:

*single network*
    "gen": {
        "scores": [4.5, 4.5]        
    "pos": {
        "scores": [4.5, 4.5]    
    "roo": {
        "scores": [4.5, 4.5]        
    "sle": {
        "scores": [4.5, 4.5]        
    "ser": {
        "scores": [4.5, 4.5]        
    "cle": {
        "scores": [4.5, 4.5]
    "pri": {
        "scores": [4, 4]
    "coo": {
        "scores": [null, 3]
    "seo": {
        "scores": [null, null]
    "qpr": {
        "scores": [null, null]
    "atm": {
        "scores": [null, null]
    "leg": {
        "scores": [null, null]
    "cus": {
        "scores": [null, null]  
    "che": {
        "scores": [null, null]
    "ent": {
        "scores": [5, null]
    "sea": {
        "scores": [null, null]          
    "_timestamps": [1493157600, 1493244000]

*multiple network*
    "networks": {
        "google": {
            "gen": {
                "scores": [
        "facebook": {
            "gen": {
                "scores": [
    "_timestamps": [

This API allows to retrieve the ratings of a specified network in a specified interval of time. The complete list of the ratings and their description can be found here. If more than one network is specified the result will be grouped by the corresponding network.

HTTPS Request

POST <TABASEURL>/guestRatings


Param Type Required Description
monitor_ids array yes An array of property or competitors IDs.
from int yes "From" date timestamp in seconds.
to int yes "To" date timestamp in seconds.
networks array yes An array of networks.



curl '<TABASEURL>/channelsRanking' \
-H 'Authorization: Token <APIKEY>' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d @- << BODY
    "filters": {
        "from": 1493157600,
        "to": 1493244000,
        "monitor_ids": [1],
        "networks": ["<network>"]

If everything is fine the above command returns a list of rankings, with their associated ranking over the total of the properties, in the locality specified in the location field indexed by the _timestamps value:

    "<network>": {
        "ranking": [1,1],
        "total": [3,3],
        "type": "Hotels",
        "location": "Florence"
    "_timestamps": [1493157600,1493244000]

This API allows to retrieve the rankings of a specified network in a specified interval of time.

HTTPS Request

POST <TABASEURL>/channelsRanking


Param Type Required Description
monitor_ids array yes An array of property or competitors IDs.
from int yes "From" date timestamp in seconds.
to int yes "To" date timestamp in seconds.
networks array yes An array of networks. You can specify only one network per call.

TAI Scores

Global TAI Score

curl '<TABASEURL>/taiScores' \
-H 'Authorization: Token <APIKEY>' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d @- << BODY
  "filters": {
    "monitor_ids": [...],
    "from": <timestamp>,
    "to": <timestamp>

If everything is fine the above command returns:

     "tai": [ 88.7, 88.6, ... ],
     "_timestamps": [ ... ]

This API allows to retrieve the global TAI scores in a specified interval of time for the input property/competitor monitorIDs.

The output is shown on the left, it contains an array of timestamps (_timestamps) and an array of global TAI scores (tai).

HTTPS Request



Param Type Required Description
monitor_ids array yes An array of property or competitors IDs.
from int yes "From" date timestamp in seconds.
to int yes "To" date timestamp in seconds.
groupBy string no See Optimization section.


curl '<TABASEURL>/taiScores' \
-H 'Authorization: Token <APIKEY>' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d @- << BODY
  "filters": {
    "monitorIDs": [ 1, 2 ],
    "from": <timestamp>,
    "to": <timestamp>,
    "groupBy": "monitor"

If everything is fine the above command returns:

     "groups": {
        1: {
          "tai": [ 88.7, 88.6, ... ]
        2: {
          "tai": [ 71.2, 71.9, ... ]
     "_timestamps": [ ... ]

To optimize and speed up the TAI scores retrieval in case you need to request data for multiple properties/competitors, you can put all their ids into the monitorIDs input field. By default this callname returns the overall TAI score.

If you add the groupBy parameter to the Global TAI Scores callname with value monitor, then it will return all the TAI score for each input property/competitor as shown on the right. The groups object contains the response for each property/competitor indexed by their keys.

Note: This feature is not available for single property management API.



curl '<TABASEURL>/prices' \
-H 'Authorization: Token <APIKEY>' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d @- << BODY
  "filters": {
    "monitor_ids": [...],
    "from": <timestamp>,
    "to": <timestamp>

If everything is fine the above command returns:

     "prices": [
               "date_checkin": 1550530800,
               "date_detection": 1550158721,
               "avail": 2,
               "minstay": 1,
               "price": 108,
               "refundable": true,
               "description": "Superior Room"

This API allows the user to retrieve the price detections in a specified interval of time for the input of property/competitor monitorIDs.

The output is shown on the left. Inside the array prices, there are the last price detections available for the requested property/competitor. Each object inside the array contains the following fields:

For example, for the check-in day 2019-02-19 CET, there are 2 refundable Superior Rooms with a price of 108 EUR and a minimum stay of 1 day, detected on 2019-02-14 04:38:41pm CET.

Note: in case the date_detection field is null, there are no prices detected for the specified date_checkin. Consequently all the other fields are null.

HTTPS Request



Param Type Required Description
monitor_ids array yes An array of property or competitors IDs.
from int yes "From" date timestamp in seconds.
to int yes "To" date timestamp in seconds.


The configurations parameters are required in order to do the query call on a property.


curl '<TABASEURL>/configurations' \
-H 'Authorization: Token <APIKEY>' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

If everything is fine the above command returns:

  "networks": [
  "types": {
    "hotel": {
      "categories": [
    "country_house": {
      "categories": [
    "venue": {
      "categories": [
  "user_types": [
  "languages": [
  "countries": [
  "clusters": {
    "hotel": {
      "101": {
        "label": "sentiment_cluster_hotel_general",
        "icon": "fa fa-building-o",
        "subclusters": [
          "struttura - arredi",
          "struttura - fisica",
          "struttura - luoghi interni",
          "struttura - luoghi esterni",
          "struttura - ambientazione",
      "102": {
        "label": "sentiment_cluster_hotel_rooms",
        "icon": "fa fa-key",
        "subclusters": [
          "struttura - camere",
          "camera - arredi",
          "camera - bagno",
          "camera - struttura",
          "camera - letto",
          "letto - struttura",
          "letto - accessori",
          "bagno - struttura",
          "bagno - accessori",
          "bagno - servizi"
      "103": {
        "label": "sentiment_cluster_hotel_position",
        "icon": "fa fa-map-marker"
      "104": {
        "label": "sentiment_cluster_hotel_services",
        "icon": "fa fa-puzzle-piece",
        "subclusters": [
          "struttura - servizi",
          "struttura - servizi ricreativi",
          "camera - servizi intrattenimento",
          "camera - servizi di comunicazione",
          "camera - servizi di climatizzazione"
      "105": {
        "label": "sentiment_cluster_hotel_food",
        "icon": "fa fa-cutlery",
        "subclusters": [
          "struttura - ristorazione",
          "ristorazione - tipologia",
          "ristorazione - qualita",
          "ristorazione - struttura"
      "106": {
        "label": "sentiment_cluster_hotel_hospitality",
        "icon": "fa fa-gift",
        "subclusters": [
          "struttura - personale",
          "ristorazione - personale"
      "107": {
        "label": "sentiment_cluster_hotel_cleanliness",
        "icon": "fa fa-tint"
      "108": {
        "label": "sentiment_cluster_hotel_costs",
        "icon": "fa fa-money"
      "109": {
        "label": "sentiment_cluster_hotel_internet",
        "icon": "fa fa-wifi"
    "country_house": {
      "101": {
        "label": "sentiment_cluster_country_house_general",
        "icon": "fa fa-building-o",
        "subclusters": [
          "struttura - arredi",
          "struttura - fisica",
          "struttura - luoghi interni",
          "struttura - luoghi esterni",
          "struttura - ambientazione",
          "camera - arredi"
      "102": {
        "label": "sentiment_cluster_country_house_rooms",
        "icon": "fa fa-key",
        "subclusters": [
          "struttura - camere",
          "camera - arredi",
          "camera - bagno",
          "camera - struttura",
          "camera - letto",
          "letto - struttura",
          "letto - accessori",
          "bagno - struttura",
          "bagno - accessori",
          "bagno - servizi"
      "103": {
        "label": "sentiment_cluster_country_house_position",
        "icon": "fa fa-map-marker"
      "104": {
        "label": "sentiment_cluster_country_house_services",
        "icon": "fa fa-puzzle-piece",
        "subclusters": [
          "struttura - servizi",
          "struttura - servizi ricreativi",
          "camera - servizi intrattenimento",
          "camera - servizi di comunicazione",
          "camera - servizi di climatizzazione"
      "105": {
        "label": "sentiment_cluster_country_house_food",
        "icon": "fa fa-cutlery",
        "subclusters": [
          "struttura - ristorazione",
          "ristorazione - tipologia",
          "ristorazione - qualita",
          "ristorazione - struttura"
      "106": {
        "label": "sentiment_cluster_country_house_hospitality",
        "icon": "fa fa-gift",
        "subclusters": [
          "struttura - personale",
          "ristorazione - personale"
      "107": {
        "label": "sentiment_cluster_country_house_cleanliness",
        "icon": "fa fa-tint"
      "108": {
        "label": "sentiment_cluster_country_house_costs",
        "icon": "fa fa-money"
      "109": {
        "label": "sentiment_cluster_country_house_internet",
        "icon": "fa fa-wifi"
    "venue": {
      "301": {
        "label": "sentiment_cluster_venue_general",
        "icon": "fa fa-building-o",
        "subclusters": [
          "struttura - accessori"
      "302": {
        "label": "sentiment_cluster_venue_food_quality",
        "icon": "fa fa-cutlery",
        "subclusters": [
          "primi - piatti",
          "secondi - piatti",
          "contorni - verdure",
          "prodotti - bar",
          "altri - alimenti",
          "brand - citati"
      "303": {
        "label": "sentiment_cluster_venue_position",
        "icon": "fa fa-map-marker"
      "304": {
        "label": "sentiment_cluster_venue_services",
        "icon": "fa fa-puzzle-piece",
        "subclusters": [
          "struttura - bagno",
          "struttura - servizi ricreativi"
      "305": {
        "label": "sentiment_cluster_venue_beauty",
        "icon": "fa fa-eye",
        "subclusters": [
          "struttura - elementi",
          "struttura - arredi",
          "struttura - ambientazione"
      "306": {
        "label": "sentiment_cluster_venue_hospitality",
        "icon": "fa fa-gift"
      "307": {
        "label": "sentiment_cluster_venue_cleanliness",
        "icon": "fa fa-tint"
      "308": {
        "label": "sentiment_cluster_venue_costs",
        "icon": "fa fa-money"
      "309": {
        "label": "sentiment_cluster_venue_internet",
        "icon": "fa fa-wifi"

This API returns all the configuration fields needed in order to query the data for a property. See the parameters section for more information.

HTTPS Request

GET <TABASEURL>/configurations


curl '<TABASEURL>/clustersInfo' \
-H 'Authorization: Token <APIKEY>' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d @- << BODY
    "filters": {
        "monitor_ids": [1234567890]

If everything is fine the above command returns:

    "clusters": {
        "101": "General",
        "102": "Rooms",
        "103": "Position",
        "104": "Services",
        "105": "Food",
        "106": "Hospitality",
        "107": "Cleanliness",
        "108": "Costs",
        "109": "Internet"

This API returns the cluster info for a specific property. It returns the clusters ids with their corresponding label. See the parameters section for more information.

HTTPS Request

POST <TABASEURL>/clustersInfo


Param Type Required Description
monitor_ids array yes An array of properties id. Only one value must be specified.


curl '<TABASEURL>/channelsInfo' \
-H 'Authorization: Token <APIKEY>' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d @- << BODY
    "filters": {
        "monitor_ids": [1234567890]

If everything is fine the above command returns:

    "channels": {
        "tripadvisor": "TripAdvisor",
        "booking": "Booking.com",        
        "expedia": "Expedia",
        "facebook": "Facebook",
        "twitter": "Twitter",
        "instagram": "Instagram",
        "pinterest": "Pinterest",
        "google": "Google",        
        "youtube": "Youtube"        

This API returns the channels info for a specific property. It returns the channels key with their corresponding name. See the parameters section for more information.

HTTPS Request

POST <TABASEURL>/channelsInfo


Param Type Required Description
monitor_ids array yes An array of properties id. Only one value must be specified.


curl '<TABASEURL>/typeOfGuests' \
-H 'Authorization: Token <APIKEY>' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

If everything is fine the above command returns:

    "e": "All",
    "o": "Other",
    "f": "Families",
    "c": "Couples",
    "g": "Friends/Groups",
    "a": "Solo travelers",
    "b": "Business trips",
    "r": "Romantic getaway"

This API returns the label for the type of guests. It returns the guest type with their corresponding name. See the parameters section for more information.

HTTPS Request

GET <TABASEURL>/typeOfGuests


curl '<TABASEURL>/availableCountries' \
-H 'Authorization: Token <APIKEY>' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

If everything is fine the above command returns:

    "ax": "Aaland Islands",
    "af": "Afghanistan",
    "al": "Albania",
    "dz": "Algeria",
    "as": "American Samoa",
    "ad": "Andorra",
    "ao": "Angola",
    "ai": "Anguilla",
    "aq": "Antarctica",
    "ag": "Antigua And Barbuda",
    "ar": "Argentina",
    "am": "Armenia",
    "aw": "Aruba",
    "au": "Australia",
    "at": "Austria",
    "az": "Azerbaijan",
    "bs": "Bahamas",
    "bh": "Bahrain",
    "bd": "Bangladesh",
    "bb": "Barbados",
    "by": "Belarus",
    "be": "Belgium",
    "bz": "Belize",
    "bj": "Benin",
    "bm": "Bermuda",
    "bt": "Bhutan",
    "bo": "Bolivia",
    "ba": "Bosnia And Herzegowina",
    "bw": "Botswana",
    "br": "Brazil",
    "bn": "Brunei Darussalam",
    "bg": "Bulgaria",
    "bf": "Burkina Faso",
    "bi": "Burundi",
    "kh": "Cambodia",
    "cm": "Cameroon",
    "ca": "Canada",
    "cv": "Cape Verde",
    "ky": "Cayman Islands",
    "cf": "Central African Republic",
    "td": "Chad",
    "cl": "Chile",
    "cn": "China",
    "cx": "Christmas Island",
    "cc": "Cocos (Keeling) Islands",
    "co": "Colombia",
    "km": "Comoros",
    "cd": "Congo, Democratic Republic Of",
    "cg": "Congo, Republic Of",
    "ck": "Cook Islands",
    "cr": "Costa Rica",
    "ci": "Cote D'ivoire",
    "hr": "Croatia",
    "cu": "Cuba",
    "cy": "Cyprus",
    "cz": "Czech Republic",
    "dk": "Denmark",
    "dj": "Djibouti",
    "dm": "Dominica",
    "do": "Dominican Republic",
    "ec": "Ecuador",
    "eg": "Egypt",
    "sv": "El Salvador",
    "gq": "Equatorial Guinea",
    "er": "Eritrea",
    "ee": "Estonia",
    "et": "Ethiopia",
    "fk": "Falkland Islands (Malvinas)",
    "fo": "Faroe Islands",
    "fj": "Fiji",
    "fi": "Finland",
    "fr": "France",
    "gf": "French Guiana",
    "pf": "French Polynesia",
    "tf": "French Southern Territories",
    "ga": "Gabon",
    "gm": "Gambia",
    "ge": "Georgia",
    "de": "Germany",
    "gh": "Ghana",
    "gi": "Gibraltar",
    "gr": "Greece",
    "gl": "Greenland",
    "gd": "Grenada",
    "gp": "Guadeloupe",
    "gu": "Guam",
    "gt": "Guatemala",
    "gn": "Guinea",
    "gw": "Guinea-bissau",
    "gy": "Guyana",
    "ht": "Haiti",
    "hn": "Honduras",
    "hk": "Hong Kong",
    "hu": "Hungary",
    "is": "Iceland",
    "in": "India",
    "id": "Indonesia",
    "ir": "Iran (Islamic Republic Of)",
    "iq": "Iraq",
    "ie": "Ireland",
    "il": "Israel",
    "it": "Italy",
    "jm": "Jamaica",
    "jp": "Japan",
    "jo": "Jordan",
    "kz": "Kazakhstan",
    "ke": "Kenya",
    "ki": "Kiribati",
    "kp": "Korea, Democratic People's Republic Of",
    "kr": "Korea, Republic Of",
    "kw": "Kuwait",
    "kg": "Kyrgyzstan",
    "la": "Lao People's Democratic Republic",
    "lv": "Latvia",
    "lb": "Lebanon",
    "ls": "Lesotho",
    "lr": "Liberia",
    "ly": "Libyan Arab Jamahiriya",
    "li": "Liechtenstein",
    "lt": "Lithuania",
    "lu": "Luxembourg",
    "mo": "Macau",
    "mk": "Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic Of",
    "mg": "Madagascar",
    "mw": "Malawi",
    "my": "Malaysia",
    "mv": "Maldives",
    "ml": "Mali",
    "mt": "Malta",
    "mh": "Marshall Islands",
    "mq": "Martinique",
    "mr": "Mauritania",
    "mu": "Mauritius",
    "yt": "Mayotte",
    "mx": "Mexico",
    "fm": "Micronesia, Federated States Of",
    "md": "Moldova, Republic Of",
    "mc": "Monaco",
    "mn": "Mongolia",
    "ms": "Montserrat",
    "ma": "Morocco",
    "mz": "Mozambique",
    "mm": "Myanmar",
    "na": "Namibia",
    "nr": "Nauru",
    "np": "Nepal",
    "nl": "Netherlands",
    "nc": "New Caledonia",
    "nz": "New Zealand",
    "ni": "Nicaragua",
    "ne": "Niger",
    "ng": "Nigeria",
    "nu": "Niue",
    "nf": "Norfolk Island",
    "mp": "Northern Mariana Islands",
    "no": "Norway",
    "om": "Oman",
    "pk": "Pakistan",
    "pw": "Palau",
    "ps": "Palestinian Territory, Occupied",
    "pa": "Panama",
    "pg": "Papua New Guinea",
    "py": "Paraguay",
    "pe": "Peru",
    "ph": "Philippines",
    "pn": "Pitcairn",
    "pl": "Poland",
    "pt": "Portugal",
    "pr": "Puerto Rico",
    "qa": "Qatar",
    "re": "Reunion",
    "ro": "Romania",
    "ru": "Russian Federation",
    "rw": "Rwanda",
    "sh": "Saint Helena",
    "kn": "Saint Kitts And Nevis",
    "lc": "Saint Lucia",
    "pm": "Saint Pierre And Miquelon",
    "vc": "Saint Vincent And The Grenadines",
    "ws": "Samoa",
    "sm": "San Marino",
    "st": "Sao Tome And Principe",
    "sa": "Saudi Arabia",
    "sn": "Senegal",
    "sc": "Seychelles",
    "sl": "Sierra Leone",
    "sg": "Singapore",
    "sk": "Slovakia",
    "si": "Slovenia",
    "sb": "Solomon Islands",
    "so": "Somalia",
    "za": "South Africa",
    "gs": "South Georgia And The South Sandwich Islands",
    "es": "Spain",
    "lk": "Sri Lanka",
    "sd": "Sudan",
    "sr": "Suriname",
    "sj": "Svalbard And Jan Mayen Islands",
    "sz": "Swaziland",
    "se": "Sweden",
    "ch": "Switzerland",
    "sy": "Syrian Arab Republic",
    "tw": "Taiwan",
    "tj": "Tajikistan",
    "tz": "Tanzania, United Republic Of",
    "th": "Thailand",
    "tl": "Timor-leste",
    "tg": "Togo",
    "tk": "Tokelau",
    "to": "Tonga",
    "tt": "Trinidad And Tobago",
    "tn": "Tunisia",
    "tr": "Turkey",
    "tm": "Turkmenistan",
    "tc": "Turks And Caicos Islands",
    "tv": "Tuvalu",
    "ug": "Uganda",
    "ua": "Ukraine",
    "ae": "United Arab Emirates",
    "gb": "United Kingdom",
    "us": "United States",
    "uy": "Uruguay",
    "uz": "Uzbekistan",
    "vu": "Vanuatu",
    "va": "Vatican City State (Holy See)",
    "ve": "Venezuela",
    "vn": "Vietnam",
    "vg": "Virgin Islands (British)",
    "vi": "Virgin Islands (U.s.)",
    "wf": "Wallis And Futuna Islands",
    "eh": "Western Sahara",
    "ye": "Yemen",
    "zm": "Zambia",
    "zw": "Zimbabwe"

This API returns the label for the countries. It returns the country code with their corresponding name. See the parameters section for more information.

HTTPS Request

GET <TABASEURL>/availableCountries


curl '<TABASEURL>/availableLanguages' \
-H 'Authorization: Token <APIKEY>' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

If everything is fine the above command returns:

    "af": "Afrikaans",
    "am": "Amharic",
    "an": "Aragonese",
    "ar": "Arabic",
    "as": "Assamese",
    "az": "Azerbaijani",
    "be": "Belarusian",
    "bg": "Bulgarian",
    "bn": "Bengali",
    "br": "Breton",
    "bs": "Bosnian",
    "ca": "Catalan",
    "cs": "Czech",
    "cy": "Welsh",
    "da": "Danish",
    "de": "German",
    "dz": "Dzongkha",
    "el": "Greek",
    "en": "English",
    "eo": "Esperanto",
    "es": "Spanish",
    "et": "Estonian",
    "eu": "Basque",
    "fa": "Persian",
    "fi": "Finnish",
    "fo": "Faroese",
    "fr": "French",
    "ga": "Irish",
    "gl": "Galician",
    "gu": "Gujarati",
    "he": "Hebrew",
    "hi": "Hindi",
    "hr": "Croatian",
    "ht": "Haitian",
    "hu": "Hungarian",
    "hy": "Armenian",
    "id": "Indonesian",
    "is": "Icelandic",
    "it": "Italian",
    "ja": "Japanese",
    "jv": "Javanese",
    "ka": "Georgian",
    "kk": "Kazakh",
    "km": "Khmer",
    "kn": "Kannada",
    "ko": "Korean",
    "ku": "Kurdish",
    "ky": "Kyrgyz",
    "la": "Latin",
    "lb": "Luxembourgish",
    "lo": "Lao",
    "lt": "Lithuanian",
    "lv": "Latvian",
    "mg": "Malagasy",
    "mk": "Macedonian",
    "ml": "Malayalam",
    "mn": "Mongolian",
    "mr": "Marathi",
    "ms": "Malay",
    "mt": "Maltese",
    "nb": "Norwegian Bokmål",
    "ne": "Nepali",
    "nl": "Dutch",
    "nn": "Norwegian Nynorsk",
    "no": "Norwegian",
    "oc": "Occitan",
    "or": "Oriya",
    "pa": "Punjabi",
    "pl": "Polish",
    "ps": "Pashto",
    "pt": "Portuguese",
    "qu": "Quechua",
    "ro": "Romanian",
    "ru": "Russian",
    "rw": "Kinyarwanda",
    "se": "Northern Sami",
    "si": "Sinhala",
    "sk": "Slovak",
    "sl": "Slovenian",
    "sq": "Albanian",
    "sr": "Serbian",
    "sv": "Swedish",
    "sw": "Swahili",
    "ta": "Tamil",
    "te": "Telugu",
    "th": "Thai",
    "tl": "Tagalog",
    "tr": "Turkish",
    "ug": "Uyghur",
    "uk": "Ukrainian",
    "ur": "Urdu",
    "vi": "Vietnamese",
    "vo": "Volapük",
    "wa": "Walloon",
    "xh": "Xhosa",
    "zh": "Chinese",
    "zu": "Zulu"

This API returns the label for the languages. It returns the language code type with their corresponding name. See the parameters section for more information.

HTTPS Request

GET <TABASEURL>/availableLanguages

Common Parameters

Param Type Required Description
clusters array no An array of clusters.
countries array no An array of countries (ISO code 2 digits format).
langs array no An array of languages (ISO code 2 digits format).
competitor_ids array no An array of competitor IDs.
networks array no An array of networks.
responses boolean no Content / Review with or without a reply.
sentiment_ranges array no An array of sentiment ranges. For instance, get contents with sentiment from 0 to 30 AND contents with sentiment from 70 to 100, becomes [[0, 30], [70, 100]].
user_types array no An array of user types.


Param Type Description
clusters array An array of clusters: 101, 102, 103, ...

Hotel clusters details

Value Description
101 General
102 Rooms
103 Position
104 Services
105 Food
106 Hospitality
107 Cleanliness
108 Costs
109 Internet

Venue clusters details

Value Description
301 General
302 Food quality
303 Position
304 Services
305 Beauty
306 Hospitality
307 Cleanliness
308 Costs
309 Internet


Param Type Description
networks array An array of networks:
2spaghi, agoda, airbnb, bookatable,
booking, budgetplaces, cheaptickets, ebookers,
expedia, facebook, foursquare, getyourguide,
google, holidaycheck, homeaway, homelidays,
hostelbookers, hostelsclub, hostelworld, hotelclub,
hotels, hotwire, hrs, instagram,
justeat, laterooms, misiedo, mrjet,
musement, opentable, orbitz, pinterest,
qualitando, quandoo, search, thefork,
travelocity, tripadvisor, tripadvisorforum, twitter,
vayable, venere, viator, vimeo,
website, wimdu, wotif, yelp,
youtube, zomato, zoover


Cluster Description
gen General
pos Location
roo Rooms
sle Quality of sleep
ser Services
cle Cleanliness
pri Price/quality
coo Cooking
seo Service
qpr Price/quality
atm Atmosphere
leg Legroom
cus Customer service
che Checkin
ent Entertainment
sea Seat Comfort
bre Breakfast
com Comfort
sta Staff
qua Price/quality
wir Internet
hot Hotel
foo Food
spo Sports & Entertainment
sco Score
chd Suitable for children
con Room comforts
apr Price/quality
acc Precision
cin Check-in
val Value
hal Halflife
nei Neighborhood
amb Ambience
loc Location
dri Drinks
sic Security
per Personal
ove Overall
gas Gastronomy
rec Reception
int Internet
wel Wellness
swi Pool
bus Business
dec Decoration
fid Fidelity

Traveller Types

Param Type Description
user_types array An array of traveller types: e, o, f, ...

Traveller Types details

Value Description
e All
o Other
f Families
c Couples
g Friends/Groups
a Solo travelers
b Business trips
r Romantic getaway


Param Type Description
type string It can be one of the following value:
hotel, venue, country_house

Each type has a list of associated permitted categories


Type Categories
hotel hotel,resort,motel,
country_house b&b,farm_house,camping,
venue restaurant,pizzeria,tavern,


This API belong to the TA semantic engine management.

Notify semantic errors

curl '<TABASEURL>/taiScores' \
-H 'Authorization: Token <APIKEY>' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d @- << BODY
    "message": "Message to notify an error",
    "filters": {
        "contentsID": [ ... ]

If everything is fine the above command returns:


This API allows to notify an error on the semantic engine for a single content.

HTTPS Request

POST <TABASEURL>/notifySemanticError


Param Type Required Description
message string yes The explaination message related to the specified contents. It has a maximum size of 255 characters.
contentsID array yes An array that contains a single content ID. See Content Statistics > Contents ID for retrieve this parameter first.q


Occasionally you might encounter errors when accessing the REST API. There are four possible types:

Error Code Error Type
400 Bad Request Invalid request.
403 Forbidden You don't have the permission to access to the information requested.
404 Not Found The resource you are searching for is not found.
405 Method Not Allowed The requested method is not allowed.
447 Custom code Cannot complete the operation requested.
500 Internal Server Error Generic server error.
503 Service Unavailable The service is temporary unavailable.